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Leslie Suffers A Transient Ischemic Attack – A Warning Of Things To Come!

It was Thursday morning at around 1-2 am. I was sitting on one of the couches, the farthest away from the front door, in or childhood home. I was listing to something on my mobile device via a bluetooth headset. I heard a knock at the door and I figured it was Leslie. He had […]

Leslie Could No Longer Sleep Lying Down!

At various times during the time that Leslie contracted what appeared to have been the flu. I would have to pass through his room in order to get to the bathroom. There were only two ways to get to the bathroom in the house, through Leslie’s room or through his […]

Leslie Drove Himself To The Emergency Room And Was Put On Drip!

One day our mother mentioned to me that my brother Leslie had come home really late from his evening job the night before. Actually he had arrived sometime in the early hours of the morning. She said she enquired as to why he was so late. She said he told her he […]
