Viewing Of The Body Just Before The Funeral

Viewing Of The Body Just Before The Funeral

I accompanied my mother and two younger siblings to Churchill’s funeral home on the 29th of May 2020.

After we arrived, we were asked to wait a few minutes by the staff of the funeral home.

After a few minutes we were presented with a body which looked like that off my brother.

I moved towards the coffin to view the body. Our mother and siblings followed.

I noticed something strange about the body but I couldn’t quite say what is was.

I concluded being in cold storage so long must have had an effect on the body.

I heard my youngest sibling say something to the effect of “this is not going to work.’

My other sibling, also a civil servant, replied, yes it will”

The coffin was then almost knocked over by our mother. Upon viewing the body, our youngest sibling uttered the following in a strange voice, *is that a hole in his A-Line?”

I inspected the body and discovered what appeared to be a burn wound just below his right ear.

My mother and siblings asked the funeral director about the wound and he replied, “how would he have gotten burned?”

My relatives did not pursue the matter beyond that. I said I would look into it.

We moved into the funeral director’s office for a few minutes where my relatives requested changes to the makeup on the body.

We left and returned to west bay. We got a call from the funeral director. My youngest sibling and I returned to the funeral home, where I took four photos of the body.


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